This is a Monday to remember.
Maryann took two panadols today. This is how it happened.
Maryann got her period today. Sobs. Well.. not that bad la. Just that she had period pain along with it. She thought it was fine at first. But no...Got much worse in school and she didn't bring panadol. So, she brought
Felicia to Sickroom to take panadol.
And they decided to stay there. Hehe.
She wouldn't want to tell how long they spent in there.
Took the school's all new panadol menstrual.
Mourned and whined for another half hour.
Couldn't stand the pain anymore, Maryann courageously took another panadol.This time not trusting the ineffective panadol menstrual, Maryann took the normal panadol.To her great relive, it did not hurt as much as before.
Felicia asked her whether it was a coincidence?
What do you think?
Maybe it was just the panadol taking effect.
And to conclude..
As of today, Maryann Chang Le Yen will not trust panadol menstrual anymore."Isn't it strange and a little funny how the normal panadol worked better than the panadol specially for period pains.." thought Maryann and Elaine agreed with her.
Maryann's bra-ther SEAN CHANG FANG is coming home in two months time on the 19 December. His birthday is a day after his return, on the 20 Dec.
Today.Maryann is getting more and more excited as she informs more and more people.
This is Maryann's second post about his coming home. It is the SEAN CF Homecoming. Wonder whether he would in simmilarities between him and Si Tenggang.
Maryann is also very excited as exam is coming to a close very soon. What makes it better, the only papers left for her to sit consist mainly of objective papers.
=PAnd that was Maryann's little adventure on her 7th day of exam.
Cheers. =P