Friday, October 22, 2010 has been too long

I'm starting a new blog for my IT subject and it's got me thinking about my very much neglected blog here. It's very much neglected indeed, till the point where I didn't know what HTML is, let alone CSS scripting. But, no matter, I'm learning something new.

An aspect I've been doing much of late.

Maybe when I have time(hmmm....) i will actually do something about my blog. Now, to learn more about blogs and get busy like a bee doing the silly blog, which I have no idea where to start even though I have blogged before. Dang, I blame it on those people who demand so much out of our blogs. We have to design it and blog in 5 weeks. ANd it has to come of looking profesional and all those.

Wish me luck in my blog.

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